Disc golf, primarily an individual sport, tests your physical and mental capabilities. Physical traits, formwork, cardio, and flexibility work in unison to build consistency for your game and support your body’s longevity in the sport. While the physical side is important as well, nothing will derail your round like letting your brain tell you that you're going to fail. Disc golfers understand the importance of a strong mental game.

Life in general is no different. Nothing can derail personal progress, motivation and positive opinions of one's self worth like letting the brain tell you your not good enough.

970 million people worldwide have a mental health or substance abuse disorder, and here in the U.S. a staggering 1 in 4 individuals 18+ live with a mental illness with anxiety being the most common.

As someone whose battled with their own mental health demons for years, I've made it a personal mission to help break the stigma of mental health and bring to light the problems this stigma creates. With all that said I'd like to introduce Trees Aren't Real. Our brains make up stories on and off the course that make us believe we'll hit the next tree or that the decisions we make are wrong so if we can imagine that Trees Aren't Real (the stories we're told) we can focus more on the positive and make efforts towards a more rounded game and self.

Our Trees Aren't Real campaign is dedicated to breaking the stigma and uplifting the countless disc golfers and anyone else fighting the often silent battle which is why 10% of all sales and 15% of our Trees Aren't Real gear and discs go directly to various mental health organizations. On top of that we think it's important to engage with the community in a number of ways(clinics, speakers, etc.) to help share the mental and physical benefits of disc golf and connect the disc golf community with vital mental health resources.

As a community, we can create change.

"There is no health without mental health."


As a community, we can create change…

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”
— Margaret Wheatley

If you are in crisis, or if you are having suicidal thoughts, please contact 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Line at 800-273-8255 to talk to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center. You may also text BRAVE to 741741 for the Crisis Text Line. Information provided by Home Again is not a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.